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Battery life of Microsoft media player Zune - Mp4 Converter

Updated October 25,2006

We've got some Microsoft Zune player battery life numbers thanks to Cesar of Zune Insider fame. The portable digital media player Zune will apparently get 13 hours of audio playback with wireless on, and 14 hours with wireless off. This, with the portable digital media player doing absolutely nothing else while playing music-no backlight, no fiddling for songs, no picking your nose, no volume adjustment.

For video playback, there's going to be a 4 hour battery life (not sure if this is wireless on or off). These Microsoft Zune player numbers aren't impressive, but they are around the same as the 30GB Apple iPod Model which has 14 hours of music and 3.5 hours of video. So it seems the portable digital media player Zune's needs a bigger battery to match the 30GB Apple iPod in terms of usage (thanks to its larger screen), which contributes to the Zune's bulk. - Jason Chen


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