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Apple Computer vs Apple Case - Mp4 Converter

Updated April 5,2006

It is finally an end to the Apple Computer vs Apple case, which was brought on by Apple to charge Apple Computer using its logo on the iTunes Music Store, this was said to violate their aggrement by Apple. Today Apple Computer's lawyer, Anthony Grabiner announced his closing argument, he said that ads featuring U2, Eminem and Coldplay were entitled to use the Apple logo because they were promoting the iTunes Music Store and not the music itself.

“Viewers aren’t ignorant people, but… have significant understanding of what Apple Computer does and the object of the exercise, accepted by people watching, was to get the benefit of the download,” Grabiner said. “Apple Computer has the exclusive right to use the apple mark on such a broadcast, if used to indicate the source or origin of the hardware and downloading services mentioned in the advert.”

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