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All-in-one Portable digital media player V191 comes from China - Mp4 Converter

Updated November 8,2006

While there are plenty of all-in-one DAP/portable digital media player/gaming units out in the Chinese market, the V191 takes it to another level by tossing in phone functionality and a Sony PlayStation Portable-styled enclosure to boot. A very likely candidate for Keepin' it real fake, this handheld device comes in a tad shorter than the tried and true Sony PlayStation Portable, and replaces the unmistakable "Sony PlayStation Portable" logo with "FUN." While details on this dodgy unit are far and few between, it apparently accepts any SIM card for mobile use, sports a 1.3-megapixel camera, supports MP4 / MP3 playback, and even boasts a gaming function for a bit of 8-bit reminiscing while on the go. You can store your tunes, movies, and homebrew apps on the included 256MB microSD card, or toss in a larger one for those extra lengthy trips. Assuming you can find one, the V191 all-in-one portable digital media player is reportedly going for a whopping HK$5400 ($695) overseas.

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