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Review of Samsung's Helix YX-M1 XM radio - Mp4 Converter

Updated May 9,2006

 According to Gregorian calendar, the Samsung Helix's supposed to be released on April 25th 2006. While it is disappointed to see there is no launch of Helix YX-M1. To ease you we can learn something about it here again. Samsung Helix YX-M1is similar to XM radio but with several shortcomings. Its appearance, size (only 0.6-inches thick) and interface just looks like its twin Pioneer Inno. Unlike the Pioneer Inno, the Samsung Helix YX-M is able to record without a hitch. While some flaws make it hard for you to enjoy with it, short battery life which can only last for 5 hours and limited music storage that is 1GB. Furthermore with the XM-branded Napster the Samsung Helix YX-M1 can transfer music from your PC to the music player at a low speed but can't transfer the music back to your PC. Except above the device dose supply a portable satellite radio functions. All in all if you are looking for something like that, it is your option.

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