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Patent War staggers on; Samsung takes court action against Apple in France.

Updated September 16,2011

Samsung has started the next installment of the ongoing patent war against Apple by filing a patent complaint against Apple in France. This is the latest chapter of a legal battle between the two technology giants that has spanned Asia, Australia, Europe and the US since April.

It is claimed that Apple has breached three of Samsungs mobile technology patents in developing the iPad and iPhone. Earlier this month, a German court upheld the decision to ban Samsungs 'Galaxy Tab 10.1' tablet, a decision based on the ruling that the Galaxy Tab was 'strikingly similar' to Apples iPad. This has led to a nationwide ban within Germany, though not the EU wide ban that it is believed Apple had hoped for.

Many within the industry believe that this ongoing saga is designed simply to stifle competition, with both companies seeking to monopolize the tablet market through legal battles rather than through innovation. Others maintain that both companies have the right to protect their own developments from copycat opportunists. One thing that seems certain is that this issue will rumble on for the foreseeable future

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By Joe Sheldon

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